Rafeeyan (2010) Effect of aquatic exercise on the multiple sclerosis patients quality of life

Introduction to Aquatic Exercise in MS Management

Multiple sclerosis (MS), a central nervous system disease, significantly impacts patients’ physical and mental well-being. With its prevalence varying geographically, Isfahan, Iran, has notably high rates. Recognizing the importance of quality of life (QOL) in MS management, this study investigates the effectiveness of aquatic exercise, a relatively new and innovative approach in medical science, in improving the QOL of MS patients.

Methodological Approach

This semi-experimental research involved 22 MS patients selected through simple random sampling, utilizing the standard SF-36 questionnaire for data collection. The study, conducted between 2005 and 2007, assessed the impact of aquatic exercise on patients’ QOL, with sessions held in two specific swimming pools in Isfahan under expert supervision.

Results of the Study

Participants, with an average age of 32.86 years, demonstrated significant improvements in various QOL dimensions post-aquatic exercise. These enhancements spanned physical, mental, and social aspects, indicating the comprehensive benefits of this therapeutic approach.

Discussion and Conclusions

Aquatic exercise proved to significantly elevate the QOL among MS patients, affirming its potential as an adjunctive treatment alongside conventional methods. The buoyancy, warmth, and hydrostatic pressure of water facilitate easier movement, reduce muscle stiffness, and improve blood circulation, contributing to the observed benefits.

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