Birthing bath

Product birthing bath

A delivery bath is a bathtub created specifically for child delivery. This bath gives the delivering mother enough space to move around and allows her to sit in her most comfortable position.

Giving birth in water may produce the following advantages:

The most important attributes to an effective birthing bath are:

  • sufficient water depth
  • stability and comfort
  • freedom of movement
  • hygiene

Water depth

Complete submersion during birth. In water birthing, the rule is that the baby should be born either completely underwater or completely above water. Therefore the maternity bath should be designed in such a way that there is sufficient water depth available to deliver completely submerged. There must be sufficient depth for the baby to activate the “diving reflex”.


Ability to change to a more comfortable position. The mother has to be able to relax during the birthing process. If the mother experiences pain, she must be able to change in a more comfortable position. This is why the birthing bath is equipped with multiple hand grips and a leg support with two positions, whereby the mother can easily reposition herself.

Freedom of movement

Ability to move freely. Our birthing bath is specially designed for child delivery. Therefore the bath offers plenty movement space and allows the mother to assume a position where she feels most comfortable. As a result the mother is better able to relax in the calms during labor.


Easily cleaned and disinfected. The EWAC Medical birthing bath is made out of acrylic glass, which has a very tough and glass-like surface structure. The material is wiped off easily without scratching and can be very easily disinfected cleaned with usual disinfecting agents that are used in patient care environments.